Tuesday, 28 July 2009

I Am Going To Become The Epitome Of Health.

So I've decided that if I can't drink with these bloody pills, I'll use it as an excuse to start getting healthy. Well, that and I've been sitting on my arse all week and I swear I can't get into my jeans. Any of them.

So, starting tomorrow, I am going to do the following things;

- eat healthy (brown bread and rice, wholemeal wherever possible, lots of veg, no junk food, definitely no dairy)
- except for Sundays, where I can eat anything I want guilt free. The secret to a good diet is not being too hard on yourself. Plus, like I can go a whole month without a bloody cheeseburger.
- drink 2 litres of water (or thereabouts) a day. Something about 2 liters of water being good for you. Or possibly what you need to survive. Don't remember.
- exercise. Heat video and Pilates For Dummies. Done.
- go swimming. I always forget how much I like swimming until I get off my arse and go.

Okay, this is getting a bit Bridget Jones so I'll stop with the self improvement list. But I'm bored, and feeling like shit. And that is always the perfect time to change things and get healthy.

Well that and I think I might get laid soon. Cute drummer bartender (Rocket Boy) just broke up with his girlfriend.

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